Healthcare pro's, are you ready...
to find your purpose + lead lasting change without giving up or burning out?
👋🏽 Bringing concerns to your leaders just to hear crickets *chirp chirp chirp*
👋🏽 Silently fuming while organizations slap bandaid fixes on symptoms of deeper disease
👋🏽 Late nights scrolling #NurseTok - which rile you up but give you no actionable strategies
👋🏽 Feeling overwhelmed + defeated by the scale of problems you're up against
👋🏽 Guilting yourself for not doing 'more'...while not knowing what that would even look like
👋🏽 Praying for answers - and hope - to fall in your lap
📣 Speaking the language of systems to hold your leaders' attention - and hold them accountable
🙋🏻♀️ Guiding your team to see problems in new ways + create solutions that last
🛌 Resting easy knowing you are taking strategic action to support your profession
🥳 Feeling purposeful + energized among a community of fellow change makers
🌈 Focusing your passion for progress into goals that fit into the bigger vision you have for your life
✨ Knowing you have the skills to overcome obstacles and generate your own hope
"I have SO MUCH more confidence in my ability to systematically identify, describe, and evaluate a challenge (large or small, personal or institutional, local or global) using systems thinking."
"What you learn inside CME, you're not going to find in the nursing academic sphere. You can find bits and pieces of systems thinking and design theory here and there. But CME consolidates the entire change making process into a really enjoyable and engaging learning experience. You simply will not find this anywhere else. It would be silly to not take advantage of this opportunity; it is THAT helpful."
"What you'll learn doesn't just apply to healthcare settings. You can apply these tools to so many aspects of your personal and professional life. It's invaluable."
ER Nurse-turned-Healthcare Change Specialist. And your instructor inside CME.
After working with dozens of healthcare professionals in personal coaching and hundreds more on the frontline, I have heard over and over again how desperately you want a deeper understanding of systems + how to actually fix them. I created CME to specifically fill this gap.
For too long, healthcare pro's have been overlooked as change makers. We have a responsibility to our patients and our communities to step into this role. We have a responsibility to make sure we are up to the task. And we don't have time to waste.
If making change was easy, everyone would do it. Bye-bye, climate change. Hello, affordable healthcare! But the reality is we're dealing with complex challenges that require a different way of thinking: systems thinking.
This course is no easy fix. It offers no cookie-cutter solution. Instead, you'll learn a process to leverage the most powerful change asset you have: yourself.
"I have done health system management courses, program evaluation courses, and change theory courses in the past. But this course has actually given me more practical tools to identify system challenges and work to change them within a complex system.
"CME has more value than many certification programs out there."
- Bianca, RN
“I love the mission and passion that everyone brought to our cohort.
"We have inherited complex systems that are begging for leaders and frontline workers to develop better skills in change making. This course will give you the tools to transform yourself into a better systems thinker and avoid some of the pitfalls that lead to burnout and stress.
“Each module was my new favorite!"
-Dedra Murchison
"This course breaks down an overwhelming topic into manageable pieces.
"Claire takes a big topic and makes it relevant to your experience, gives you a framework to understand big systems, and allows you to walk away with a plan to continue your Change Maker Journey.
"If you have a desire to make a change at all, this course is for you."
-Danella, MSN RN
To that I can say: "ABSOLUTELY - with your help."
Look, I'm a realist, too. You don't lead an ER during COVID without realizing how much work we need to do. I don't believe a revolution or magical solution or hero is coming. If we're going to heal our social systems, it's going to be consistent, deliberate work.
But what I DO believe in is the very practical tool of systems thinking. Right now, we have 99% of folks who think about problems conventionally. Meaning:
This is because our whole approach to problem-solving is wrong. But as more of us become systems thinkers and that number drops down from 99% to 75% to 50%...we'll see a shift in our success.
“CME is such an empowering gift! It helped me transform my frustration towards the healthcare system into practical knowledge and tools to actually make change. I feel more connected to myself and my vision and am confident that I will use what I learned in CME throughout my entire personal and professional life. Claire does an incredible job delivering the material and making it not only easily digestible but also easy to implement. I give CME 10/10, 5 Stars, and two thumbs WAY up!”
“This is an INCREDIBLE amount of information that is presented the most clearly that I can imagine. If you are interested in systems thinking, systems change, or honestly just want to be a little bit of a better person - you'll find this course massively helpful.”
“While taking CME, I was pleasantly surprised at how accessible systems thinking was. Dr. Claire made it easy to learn and internalize. She not only lectured clearly through on-demand lessons, but also had several office hours sessions. I felt glad and relieved that the knowledge taught and skills practiced in the course reduced my overwhelm. I feel at peace that I can now honor the complexity of the situations I face, and then find creativity and excitement in the many ways to grow and change.”
“I enjoyed and learned so much from Change Maker Essentials. The course content was both interesting and practical and always presented in an engaging matter. I am excited to take what I learned and apply it to real-life scenarios. I feel better prepared to make change. I would definitely take another Nursing the System course.”
“Change Makers Essentials is a phenomenal course that challenged me to think in ways I never had before. Dr. Phillips truly has a unique way of thinking, presenting systems in a manner that is understandable, meaningful, and impactful. Throughout this course, I have come to understand my capacity to make change and now feel empowered to do so with the resources, insight, and confidence I gained.”
“I've had so many breakthroughs & inspiring ideas come to me on how I can make intentional progress forward with my own personal goals as well as my desire to contribute positively & impactfully through systems change. Your teachings really helped me to deconstruct the problems & ideas I'm passionate about so I can figure out how to best move forward!”
“I really enjoyed this course. Unit 1 explained system thinking and its importance in society. Unit 2 talked about Change Myths and how to push back on these myths in the workplace. The last unit focused on developing resilience so change makers can stay in the game! Such a fabulous course and Claire does a great job explaining complex concepts.”
“This class was incredibly helpful as a newer leader. Having tools I can take with me and use to work towards a solution helps relieve pressure and stress. Office hours were great to hear what other nurse leaders are facing and working on as well. I will definitely be looking back on these lessons for help in the future. ”
“CME, while geared towards nurses, is useful for anyone who is interested in changing the way that they think about problems or the world--or even themselves. I found my mindset broadening as I was given a set of tools to understand and apply to change work, as well as renewed motivation for creating change. Finally, the cohort model with weekly office hours is incredible for going over sticking points with terminology and perspective, and also getting to know people who are invested in doing amazing work. ”
“This course fundamentally shifted how I think about change, for the better. I started out feeling overwhelmed, and I am finishing off feeling inspired and ready to explore my own vision. And for the systems challenges, I have a 'toolbox' I can now access whenever I need it.”
Leadership is a ROLE, not a specific position.
I strongly believe ANYONE has the capacity to lead change, no matter where they sit on an org chart.
In my experience, nurses + our healthcare pro colleagues struggle to step into the role of Change Maker - not because we aren't wildly capable, but because we have a limited vision of what's possible for ourselves.
It's hard to imagine what our Change Maker contribution might look like when all we really see is the traditional bedside-to-hospital leadership pipeline. (Not that there is anything wrong with these positions. I've been in this pipe myself!)
In reality, there is a world rich with opportunity for professionals who are looking to make systems change. We will explore this world together inside CME.
No matter where your professional journey takes you - the frontline, hospital leadership, academia, political office, entrepreneurship, public health - the skills of systems thinking, change leadership, and personal mastery will serve you well. In fact, I would argue they're *essential*. 😉
Join the waitlist to learn more about what’s in store for our March cohort — and be first to know when the doors open!
You can opt to pay-in-full — or over a monthly payment plan.
Full Price
6-Month Payment Plan
3-Month Payment Plan
CME is $1297. You can pay in full or opt for a 3-month or 6-month payment plan. CME offers 30 hours of university-level coursework - and a significant transformation - for a fraction of the cost. Definitely check to see if your employer will cover part or all of your tuition. Many of our students get full reimbursement! If you'd like to enroll multiple team members in CME, please email [email protected] for information on our group rates.
Students who complete the course in 12 weeks report spending about 2-3 hours per week. CME is designed for adult learners; you choose which activities to spend more time on.
You sure will. CME - like any good change initiative - is constantly iterating + improving. As a CME student, you will have lifetime access to the course + all its of its growing resources.
CME is set up so you can go at your own pace. I give you a recommended 12-week learning plan that coincides with what we'll cover in our weekly live sessions. But you're welcome to take more time to complete all the lessons. Please note that your cohort's voxer channel will only be active for 12 weeks.
No! During the course, I'll ask you to select a complex systems challenge [which I'll explain inside] to use during future case studies - but it can be purely for practice. This course is NOT designed to help you lead a specific change initiative. It instead trains you how to THINK + APPROACH problems before you select a particular solution.
Actually, yes! If you have a heart for improving people's lives and want to make an impact in your workplace or your world, ya sure can. Many examples and case studies throughout the course are in healthcare settings, but quite a few are not! The world is not divided into artificial boundaries (health topic vs. non-health topic), and the course reflects that.
You can. CME is here for the long-haul. But I'd like you to ask yourself: Will life really ever slow down? For some of you, yes. You've got a newborn; you're up all night and working full time. But for some of us, it won't. Life will stay busy, time will pass, and it will never quite feel like the ‘right time’ to invest in a professional transformation. Instead, what would it mean to commit to yourself and your future as a change maker? To put your flag in the sand and say, “Today, right here, I start my change making journey.” I bet it would feel pretty freaking good.
The curriculum inside CME is SO foundational that I require all of my coaching clients to take it before - or in conjunction with - personal coaching. (CME will also be a pre-requisite for future change maker programs I plan to release.) If you're interested in bundling personal coaching with CME (for a discount), reach out to me at [email protected].
If you are an RN, yes! Nursing the System is a licensed continuing education provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # 17784 , for 30 CE contact hours.
We offer group enrollment with various levels of private facilitation.